Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Toothy's Fall: Toothy Reboot

The first model of the character ended up a disaster: the skeleton was incapable of translating without leaving the skin and having the eyes fall out of Toothy's head.  Initially, Toothy's eyes were attached to his skeleton, so I had to go back to his basic shell and rebuild his eyes and skeleton.

The New Toothy
The new Toothy had locators added to make his eyes move, as did the old one, but this time they were correctly oriented.  However, moving his eyes and moving Toothy still remained a problem, but this time when I move Toothy's character, his eyes stay in his head as long as I don't change the position of the locators.  At the origin, the locators can be moved and Toothy's eyes will revolve in his head like actual eyes.

The new Toothy is closer to the original look I had intended for him.  Before the raised lower lid gave him a happy-go-lucky kind of attitude in appearance - which was adorable - but not exactly as well suited to his character as it would have been for Bert's.  I do wish that I could have expanded on his look a bit more, but I was too wrapped up in trying to make the eyes work that I left little time for tweaking the appearance.

The eyeball, pupil, and eyelids are made from NURBS spheres.
Working on the new eyes: using the E NURBS curve as an aim constraint (E for eye)

A 10 second clip of the new Toothy:

On a side note, I attempted to build some of the character of Bert, but this was as far as I got
Bert's body

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